“Let your heart break so your spirit doesn’t.” —
The roof of my heart has been blown off.
I’m sick and sad and thoroughly disappointed that so many Americans bought into the hatred and lies sold to them by wealthy megalomaniacs like Elon Musk, who spent $130 million on this election, and who cares only about padding his wallet. Tesla’s stock soared today, unsurprisingly. The billionaires won. And the most vulnerable among us will burn.
“Only a fire can teach you what survives a fire.” — Sarah Manguso
This feels much worse than 2016.
I’m profoundly angry that we’ll be spending the next four years not making things a tiny bit better, but fighting with every ounce of strength we have to keep things from getting demonstrably worse, to keep encroaching fascism at bay, to keep the planet from being decimated, to imagine a better future than the one we’ve been handed. That many of us willingly chose.
My heart breaks for my trans and nonbinary friends and family, for Palestine, for women without a…